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Frontier Alaska missions desires to function as a "joint and ligament" within the body of christ; connecting churches and missionaries with specific villages in Alaska. the more churches and missionaries that we can partner with, the better. it's important that we send out a unique and diverse network of believers who are able to best contextualize the gospel within the many different cultures and communities within Alaska.

Join the Team 

When Jesus sent out the 72 missionaries in Luke 10, the first thing He said was, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." 


The Lord is raising up an army of intercessory missionaries in Alaska. We believe that the link between prayer and effective missionary activity is inseparable. 


Therefore, when someone joins Frontier Alaska Missions they are joining a team of missionaries with a passion to reach every village in Alaska, as well as a family that is committed to praying DAILY for the villages in Alaska. 


We spend time together learning the ways of Jesus, ministering to His heart, and partnering with Him in establishing His kingdom all over Alaska. 



Frontier Missions School

The Frontier Missions School is designed to train pioneering leaders in prayer, worship, and frontier missions. Our training will include one semester (3 months) of character formation and theological training and one semester (3 months) of on the ground training. 


Laborers ultimately reflect the culture they train in and are sent from. One of the most valuable aspects of our school is the greenhouse of a healthy community that each student will be surrounded by. Those who train with us will not only be joining a school, but a spiritual family. We believe that the most effective means of disciple making is through the nucleus of family. Hence, the reason the word “disciple” doesn’t appear a single time after Acts 21. The New Testament language of discipleship in the Apostolic Epistles, shifts from teacher/student relationships to mothers and father, and brothers and sisters (1 Cor. 4:15). This is what we want to cultivate with every student that partners with the Frontier Missions School: FAMily.   


We are fully aware that not every person is able to raise support and step into full time, fully-funded, missionary service. Therefore, we want to provide opportunities for those who work jobs, attend school, or have a more limited capacity, to partner with fam. 


the internship process we will be about:


1) growing in biblical competency

2) Developing biblical Character 

3) discovering missional calling

4) establishing healthy rhythms for missionary living

5) devotion to prayer


During the internship process you will be immersed in a discipling culture where you will learn what it means to follow Jesus in all of life. there will be weekly meetings with a mentor, required reading, and extended periods of time in the prayer room. Our hope is that every intern will learn more fully who God is and who God has called them to be. 


if you are interested in an internship with fam please fill out the application listed under the Frontier Missions School link.   

Partnering Churches

We believe that if we are going to see the villages of Alaska reached with the gospel, that we will have to be proactive in breaking down every wall and barrier that causes us to view the kingdom of God as a competition. We must "be eager to maintain the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace" (Eph.4:3). 


Jesus prayed for us, "that we may become perfectly one so that the world would know the love of the father" (John 17:21-23). 


We desire for the villages of Alaska to know the love of the father, and according to Jesus, in order for this to take place, we will need to be united as one! The world will know the love of the Father through our unity and our love for one another. 


Therefore, we see the following strategy as the best way for fam to partner with and serve the local church:


1) Prayer

2) Send a Team

3) Training Intensives

4) Speaking Engagements

5) Financial Support

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