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we believe that we have been called to saturate every nook and cranny with the good news of Jesus- This happens through our normal, everyday lives. These value statements indicate what we hold dear as a family. 


The Priority of the Gospel


We are committed to living all of life with gospel intentionality. Speaking and caring for one another with the gospel, and sharing the gospel with not-yet believers. We challenge one another to be sacrificial, servant-hearted, risk-taking, and flexible because the gospel has priority over our comforts, preferences, securities, and traditions. Our Christian activity is not compartmentalized to one part of our lives, rather, we believe the gospel is good news for all of our lives.


Mission Through Community


As we build relationships with people, we want to introduce them to community. We want people to experience the church as a network of relationships with people who know one another, love one another, and speak the good news of Jesus to one another, rather than simply a weekly meeting they attend or a place they enter. We gather together because of the gospel and We scatter together so that every village in alaska will hear the good news of what Jesus has done for them. We live all of life as a family of servant missionaries.         


Homes are the Primary Environment for Making Disciples


We believe that our homes play a vital role in obeying the command of Jesus to make disciples who make disciples. In order for this mission to be realized, we must recognize and create environments where life on life, life in community, and life on mission can occur. Inviting others into our homes allows visibility and accessibility. We believe that recognizing our homes as the primary environment for disciple-making provides a model of discipleship that is flexible and reproducible in every context.  


Sharing Our Lives As Family


We believe God has adopted us through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. In light of this, we are committed to living together as family both in gathered and scattered worship and all aspects of our daily lives. We believe that scriptural commands to love and care for one another are vital, so we make signifiant decisions prayerfully together and we desire full resolution and reconciliation for any family conflicts. Jesus gives us the power to pursue unity, peace, encouragement, love, forgiveness and acceptance with one another. We desire for the world to see and know Jesus through the way that we love one another as family.


Inclusive Communities


We are committed to welcoming those who are broken into the family of God.  We want to offer a sense of belonging and be communities of grace in which people can be open and vulnerable. We will not let our welcome be dependent on adherence to any single set of cultural norms. We want to allow people the time needed to bring their lives under the authroity of Jesus. there is no one too far gone that God's grace cannot rescue. 


Working towards community Renewal


We are committed to working towards complete renewal in the villages of Alaska – addressing injustice, pursuing reconciliation, and welcoming the hurting and broken. We celebrate the diversity of cultures in our local context while recognizing the need for gospel renewal. We encourage one another to glorify God and serve others through the workplace, business, community, and social networks. We will not make a division between spiritual and non-spiritual activities. 


Prayer As A Missionary Activity


Recognizing that God is the primary agent and orchestrator of mission, we view prayer as a missionary activity. We will offer prayer to not-yet believers, witnessing to a living and personal relationship with our sovereign God. We want prayer to be both a regular community discipline and an organic response to needs and opportunities. We will not assume we are in control of mission, nor rob God of his glory by boasting of our achievements. We recognize that apart from Jesus we can do nothing. We will be committed to praying to the lord of the harvest to send laborers in the harvest.      



Everyone Exercising Spirit-Filled Ministry


We are committed to every believer seeing themselves as a Spirit-Filled missionary and exercising gospel ministry in every part of their life. We shape activities around gospel opportunities that we may have with not-yet believers, ensuring that the gifts and passions of the body of christ are on full display. We believe leadership is important. We see our leaders as facilitators of gospel ministry rather than those who exercise control. We will not make distinctions between full-time and non-full-time ministers. we desire fam to be an every member ministry. 


Shaped By The Bible Story


We want our lives to be formed and shaped by the Bible’s story of redemption. We believe the Bible to be the reliable, inerrant, authoritative, and sufficient word of God. We are therefore committed learning. We will not act on the basis of tradition, habit, or programs with out deep conviction in regards to the Bible. We will not see Bible teaching as an end in itself, but as that which must shape our thinking and action. in other words, we want to not only be hearers of the word but doers of the word.

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